Should You Be Using an Animated Logo?

Your logo is one of your most important brand assets. It makes you recognizable and it’s the first thing people see when they come into contact with your brand. It’s also one of your most used assets in marketing, whether it’s on your website, your social media profiles, company memos and official stationery, product packaging, or anything else related to your company. And if you’re a marketing-savvy company, you probably know that videos should be a part of your marketing strategy. But did you know that you can spice up your promotional videos by using an animated version of your logo?
In this article, we’ll take a look at reasons for using an animated logo and show you a few resources for creating your very own animated logo.

Four reasons why you should be using an animated logo

1. It raises brand awareness

The primary purpose of a logo is to create brand awareness. When you opt for an animated logo, you’re creating a more memorable image in your customer’s mind. In most cases, logos are static images and it may take several interactions with your brand for the customer to make a permanent connection. But with the clever use of animation, your entire brand comes to life through motion, sound, and color. More often than not, an animated logo will immediately create an impression in your customer’s mind, thus increasing the brand awareness.

2. It’s unique

An animated logo has better chances of connecting emotionally with your ideal target audience by contributing to the overall story behind your brand. Through the use of the colors and the sounds used in the animation, an animated logo conveys the vibe of your brand instantly. It also has better chances of keeping the viewer’s attention for a longer period of time. Considering how much content we consume on a daily basis, capturing and keeping the attention of your target audience is no easy feat. But with an animated logo, that problem is significantly reduced and you will be miles ahead of your competition.

3. It adds consistency

As a brand, you’ve probably invested in promotional or explainer videos for your product or service. You can add a more professional feel to any of the videos used in your marketing by adding an animated version of your logo as an intro or outro. It adds consistency and reinforces your brand image over and over again.

4. It’s inexpensive

It’s no secret that marketing expenses can get high pretty quickly. To stay on top of the game, you have to come up with new marketing material and be willing to try out new strategies. That can quickly eat through your marketing budget. But an animated logo can be used in many different ways and it’s a one-time investment that you can use for years to come.