As mentioned above, your animated logo can be used in many different ways:
  1. Use it on Instagram: Instagram is a highly visual social media platform which makes it a perfect place to show off your logo. Use it as a short video or as a part of your Instagram story.
  2. Intro/Outro in your videos: No matter what type of video content you’re putting out, use your animated logo as an intro to build brand recognition or as an outro to serve as a call to action that sends viewers to your website
  3. During the video: You can also use a smaller version of your animated logo during the video in one of the bottom corners.
  4. On your website, in place of a regular logo: Most of the brands use their static logo in the header area of your website. Put a unique spin on this by using the animated version of your logo. Set the animation to play once and you’ll be sure to stand out among the competition.
  5. On your Facebook page: Post a video file or a link to your animated logo when you’re sharing promotional content from your website
  6. On your Twitter profile – Twitter has exploded with GIFs recently and it also auto plays videos so it makes sense to share your brand new animated logo there. It’s a great attention-grabber that’s sure to make your followers stop and pay attention on this fast-paced social network.